Zwagg 1:1 personal training - Your chosen pack!

You will receive 12 sessions of personal training in a month from our most sort after trainer at Zwagg®️Fitness.


Your sessions will be closely monitored by the trainer during personal training which will be functional in nature.


You may adjust your timings as per your convenience for personal training , however we request you to stick to a single time slot week on week.

Please feel free to attend 3 group sessions a week as per Zwagg Schedule within the same validity period.


Based on your individual goals, diet will be provided. You may have to inform your actual daily intake to the personal trainer as a record .


In cases of post injury or surgery, a doctor’s go ahead is a must to start personal training. In some cases , our trainers might request for a doctor’s report as well. This is to make sure we are working under safe zone for the members health.


There will be no gym membership fees applicable is an added advantage of Zwagg Fitness.


So are you someone who has a focused goal and needs a specially curated fitness routine?